Canary Splayed Leg Treatment Bracelets Bands Leg Ring 3 mm

$13.50 exc. Tax

10 PLASTIC Splayed leg treatment

10 pieces 3 mm bracelets


suitable for small birds

strong durable plastic

Use this product to treat splayed legs at birds.

First, place it on the firm foot and then place the other side of the bracelet to the discomforted foot.

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Canary splayed leg treatment bracelets : 10 pieces 3 mm bracelets

It is suitable for small birds such as finch and canary.

Strong durable plastic is reliable and convenient to treat splayed leg on birds.

Use this product to treat splayed legs at birds, canary , zebra finch.

If the legs are already  severely  splayed a veterinarian can often correct the issue with splints, hobbles  (taping the legs in a hobble),or traction.

Our Splayed Leg Treatment Bracelets offer easy, quick and practical  solution for correcting splay legs at different species. In addition, we offer different size bands for  canaries, parakeets, cockatiels, lovebirds, chicken chicks, pigeons.


First, place canary splayed leg  treatment band on the firm foot and then place the other side of the bracelet to the discomforted foot for the newborn birds. Then, place the bigger size band  when the chick grows out of it. Importantly, check daily for chaffing, soiling and rubbing. It will take approximately 10 -15 days to recover.

In order to get higher rate of success  and quick recovery  treat the splay  leg at  the early days of birth.

In addition, we offer different size splayed leg treatment bands for pigeon, chickens, and canaries Pigeon splayed Leg Treatment Bands 10 Plastic Leg Bracelets

Lastly, please follow us on Facebook for deals and discounts

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in

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